Cooked Flat Green Beans

Unlike what their humble name might suggest, flat beans are the meatier, wider and less cylindrical version of ordinary green beans.
Steamed or microwaved, crispy fresh flat beans can be eaten alone, added to a variety of dishes such as soups and stews, or serve as the heart of many stylish side dishes.
After a short cooking time, their full-bodied texture and robust flavor will be accompanied by luscious tenderness. At …, we quickly stir them in a pan to retain their crunchy texture, and mix them with herbs and fresh tomatoes.
The topping consists of eggs, but not regular store bought eggs- farm eggs are used to respect the traditional nature of the dish, with their tastier and creamier yolk, fresh and natural taste, and higher nutritional value.
Having originated from Italy, flat green beans add a Mediterranean touch to the food as a representative of the climate the fosters them.
Although the West recognizes the original version of this recipe as an Italian dish, our particular variety has passed on from generation to generation in the villages of Northern Iran.
This looks absolutely delicious. Could this be placed in the freezer? And if so do you recommend freezing it before or after it is cooked?
You are a genius! What could make soup better than a carby topping? And roast tom soup is my fave 🙂 Stunning photos, as always!
Mandee, you could try shredding the beet! You’d probably only need to use half of it though. =)
So glad to hear that you all weathered the storm ok!! And that soup looks like it’d be the best for cooler weather. Can’t beat biscuits, right?