Vegetable Frittata

Frittata is an Italian word roughly translated to “fried”, which conveys the essence of the dish well enough: An assortment of several ingredients, egg being the principal element, thrown in a pan and fried together.
Iran is home to many variations of this adored comfort food, vegetable Frittatas among the first that come to mind.
Originally entitled “Kookoo Sabzi”, this cuisine offers a wide range of tastes and fragrances as the vegetables could be of drastically different kinds.
The herbs are not minced, but chopped in rather larger pieces to yield a less compressed texture. Afterwards, they are heated without any other add-ins such as oil to lose their excessive moisture and make super crispy Frittatas.
Therefore, the only step of the procedure that requires oil is the final one, which makes the dish almost oil-free. Having stirred the eggs until they foam, the veggies and the spices of your choice as well as optional barberries, walnuts and flour are added, mixed and cooked up with no more than a spoon of oil.
Persians mainly consume Kookoo Sabzi with bread, salad or yogurt, similar to how we do it here.
We have picked healthier and more easily digestible sourdough, riper and more flavourful vine tomatoes, and protein-rich strained yogurt to boost your experience of the lovely vegetable Frittata.